Cook With K(irakossians)

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Our average customer rating is 4.8 / 5
3 words. made. with. love. Everything i’ve ever eaten that was made by Marcella has been *chefs kiss* 👌🏻 every. thing. Always made from scratch. Always fresh and delicious. and i have seen this woman in action in the kitchen. She’s FAST. and makes cooking from scratch look easy. and the presentation🙌🏻 There’s nothing she can’t do. I’ve tried her sweet and savory foods. All amazing. Okay my stomachs growling now just thinking about it. Do yourself a favor and try her cooking. PROMISE you’ll have absolutely no regrets!!!
-Shianne Galucci
I’ve known Marcella and Jack for 2 years now. I’ve been blessed to both eat at their table and have them cater events for me. Marcella’s chocolate cake is absolutely to die for. They offer both healthy and luscious options. Jack hails from the Middle East and his knowledge of their local delights is famous. Marcella is a Zagat Foundation award recipient. Whatever your tastes are, no matter how many guests, Catering with K will be the talk of your event!!! Highly recommend.
-Susan Kundrat

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